Poultry Studies
2022, Vol 19, Num, 2 (Pages: 068-077)
Sexual Dimorphism in Body Size and Some Exterior Traits of Pigeon Breed Groups
Türker Savaş 1 ,Hakan Erdem 1
1 Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Animal Science, Çanakkale, Turkey
In this study, sexual dimorphism in pigeons was investigated. Rensch's rule was
evaluated across pigeon breeds. Body weight, body length, beak length, wingspan,
tail length, and tarsus length were used for the analysis. We have divided the
breeds in the five groups (form, frills and owls, tumbler and rollers, homer and
highflyer, feral). The allometric relation in the traits between female and male
measures were analyzed. The measure of sexual size dimorphism was measured for
each trait as a simple male size divided by female size (Sexual Size Index, SSI). On
average across traits, male birds have higher values than female birds, both across
breed groups and overall. No deviation from isometric allometry can be observed
except the tail length. No trends towards logarithmic female values according to
the SSI could be identified. According to the results, the rules of Rensch for pigeon
breeds are rejected. Sexual dimorphism exists between breeds and traits, mainly in
favor of the male birds. In most cases, allometric relationships between breeds
change, as do traits.
Keywords :
Rensch's Rule Isomethry Hyperallometric Hypoallometric