Poultry Studies
2024, Vol 21, Num, 1 (Pages: 036-045)
Uses of Nanotechnological Feed Additives and Nanofeeds in Poultry Feeding
Şevket Evci 1
1 Kırıkkale University, Delice Vocational School, Delice, Kırıkkale, Türkiye
In poultry, which has an important place in meeting the need for healthy animal protein,
the production of ration substance compositions with alternative sources is one of the popular
topics of the last period. Nanoparticles produced by nanotechnology of various minerals added
to poultry diets are increasingly being used as feed additives that can reduce feed costs, reduce
the risk of environmental waste, replace antibiotics and do not pose residue risk in animal
products, both in terms of supporting growth and development and strengthening the immune
system. The aim of this study was to bring together the studies on the effects of using
nanoparticles as feed additives on growth, development performance and immune system in
Keywords :
Poultry Ration Nanoparticles Nano feed additives