Poultry Studies
2012, Vol 9, Num, 3 (Pages: 011-014)
The role of Chrome in Poultry Nutrition
Rabia Göçmen 1 ,Yusuf Cufadar 1
1 Selçuk Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Zootekni Bölümü Selçuklu/Konya
Chromium is an essential element for carbohydrate metabolism. This element is also involved in metabolism of lipid, protein and nucleic acid. Chromium is to potentiate the action of insulin through its presence is an organometallic molecule called glucose tolerance factor (GTF). The most common symptoms observed in the deficiency of chromium that impaired glucose tolerance, glucosuria and increased serum insulin, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Addition of chromium to poultry rations; increased live weight gain, feed consumption and feed efficiency, improved carcass traits and reduction or removel stress. Chromium contents of plantel materials are very low than animal origin. The lack of chromium of poultry is likely because of significant portion of these animals ration consist of plantel material. To achieve the maximum income for poultry breeding that must be implementation of a performance close to the potential genotype. Functions of chromium due to physiological events that may be effective in this direction. In this review use and effect of chromium poultry nutrition evaluted.
Keywords :
Chromium, poultry, nutrition