Poultry Studies
2024, Vol 21, Num, 2 (Pages: 043-055)
Determination of the General Structure of the Enterprises Producing Eggs in Organic System in Ordu Province
2 Ordu University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science, Ordu, Turkey Constituted from the first author's Master's thesis DOI : 10.34233/jpr1594039 - In this study, it was aimed to determine general structure of the enterprises engaged in organic system egg production in Ordu province. For this purpose, the data obtained from face-to-face surveys with 47 breeders who produce eggs in organic system in Ordu province were used in this study. In the study, 68.1% of organic system poultry breeders are older than 41 years and 46.8% of all breeders are farmers by occupation. It was determined that 83% of the egg production enterprises were established in the under-hazelnut land and 55.3% of them used sandwich panels in poultry house construction. 85.1% of the enterprises provided ventilation in the poultry house with a fan, 68.1% used individual nest boxes, 93.6% used nipple type drinkers and 83% preferred paddy husk as litter material. The number of hens was 750 or more in 68.1% of the enterprises and Lohman Brown breed hens were used in 97.9% of the enterprises. 51.1% of the enterprises had 6 or more hens per square meter (m2) in the roaming area and 48.9% had 4 hens per square meter (m²) in the indoor area. At the same time egg yield was higher than 81% in 70.2% of the enterprises. Keywords : Survey Egg production Organic System Ordu province